Back a Xbox 360 game is not so complicated as most people think. Once you understand the basics of a backup, is a pretty easy process.
Needs a lot of things for backing up your game. You need a moulded console, a panel of controls, cable to connect your PC and Xbox, an FTP program, a XISO program and a recording program.Once all these things can instead, start with a backup Xbox game 360.Lo to do:
1. Firstly, make sure that the Xbox is blinking. You can use the automated installer to do so.
2 You need to establish a connection between the Xbox and PC. You must use the console of a Cabinet and a crossover cable for this fact. During this process, you must ensure that the IP Xbox remains static.
3. Now, using the FTP program you create a new sitio.Se can name that you want. Fill in the IP, username and password. If you already have a game, you just have to wait.If does it, should one then connect.
4. When you click on drive D, you should be able to see a lot of archivos.Usted must now make a folder on your computer, select all the files of the game, and simply drag them over to the new folder you created.This is called a direct RIP and is considered the easiest way to move files Xbox for PC games.This is an important step in taking a backup of Xbox 360 game.
5. The next step is to make a XISO.puede use a XISO by the program and what has happened.
6 Now all you need to do is record XISO programmatically recording tienes.Necesita to open the program, choose the XISO you made, confirm the disk you want to record the XISO to and click on 'burn'. This is the last step for backing up Xbox game 360.Tardará 15 important minutos.Lo to remember in this step is that you should try to burn slowly for the best results.
As you can see, is not very difícil.Si you have all the hardware and software required, and if you follow these instructions carefully, easily can be backed up Xbox 360 game.
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